In September of 2016, CPR opened a Washington, D.C., office to pursue a national policy initiative designed to ensure that all individuals with disabilities are afforded community options and opportunities to enjoy fuller, richer lives. Located at 1825 K Street, Suite 600, the office is headed by Alison Barkoff, CPR’s Director of Advocacy. Current activities focus on advocacy and policy related to community integration and inclusion, including Olmstead, Medicaid, employment, housing, and education. The Washington office is playing a critical role monitoring the pending changes in federal policies under the current administration. The advocacy director is engaged in multiple efforts with stakeholders – including federal agencies and social justice organizations – to address Medicaid changes that will disproportionately impact people with disabilities. The office has created a special website,, dedicated to this issue.
For information about the Washington office’s activities regarding possible and pending regulatory changes governing educational services, employment services and community integration opportunities for individuals with disabilities, see the related policy pages for each topic listed below the ‘Issues’ tab at the top of the page.