Center for Public Representation

CPR attends a Congressional hearing on disability employment and needs your help to pass a bill to end subminimum wages to people with disabilities and expand competitive integrated employment.

Today, Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 10:15 am, the US House of Representatives will hold a hearing on barriers to employment, including for people with disabilities. You can watch the hearing live by clicking here. The hearing will include a focus on the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act, which would provide funding to states and providers to expand opportunities for CIE while ending the use of subminimum wages to people with disabilities under Section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act. CPR has submitted questions for the hearing and materials for the record.

We are advocating hard for passage of the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act (more info on the bill here).  Help us by contacting your members of Congress and urge them to co-sponsor and support the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act. Call the main Capitol line at (202) 224-3121 (voice) or (202) 224-3091 (tty). Here are your talking points:

I am your constituent. Please cosponsor the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act (HR 873/S260). This bill will help address barriers to employment of people with disabilities. It provides funding and technical assistance to states and providers to expand capacity for competitive integrated employment while carefully phasing out over six years the ability of businesses to pay people with disabilities below the minimum wage – often pennies on the dollar — under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The bill will help businesses using 14(c) certificates transform into competitive, integrated workplaces where people with disabilities work alongside people without disabilities and get paid equal pay for equal work. Just like everyone else, people with disabilities want to work, live independently and be self-sufficient. Support the Transformation Act to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities!

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